======================GFI=============================== GFI 1) 20uA directly to heart may cause ventricular fibrillation 2) dry skin 100K to 300Kohms lowest is 500ohms 3) normal hands 1500ohms 4) perception current 1mA 5) let go current 10mA women 16mA men 6) electrocultion 250mA =.1sec, 100mA =1sec 50mA=10sec 7) safe curtrent 6mA woment and 9mA men 8) DC current feels warm. GFI.. current in amps fatal to nerves current high enough to raise body temp is instant death cap discharg 50 jouls is dangerous mA current in centeral nervious system may inhibit breath for some time long let go = can't breath 2mA Theshold sensation 7mA mild sensation 11mA painful 15mA cannot let go 20mA paralysis 70mA breathing labored 90mA breathing extremely difficult 110mA breathing stops lethal 200mA severe burns Skin Resistance wet 1k-> 500k dry Total Body Impedance Values for the total body impedance (ohms) that are not exceeded for a percentage (percentile rank) of Touch Voltage 5% 50% 95% (V) of the population 25 1750 3250 6100 50 1450 2625 4375 75 1250 2200 3500 100 1200 1875 3200 125 1125 1625 2875 220 1000 1350 2125 700 750 1100 1550 1000 700 1050 1500 Asymptotic value 650 750 850 "The values of the total body impedance given in Table 1 are valid for living human beings and a current path hand to hand or hand to foot for large contact areas (50cm^2 to 100cm^2) and dry conditions. "At voltages up to 50V, values measured with contact areas wetted with normal water are 10% to 25% lower than in dry conditions and conductive solutions decrease the impedance considerably down to half the values measured in dry conditions. "At voltages higher than 150V total body impedance depends only slightly on humidity and on the surface area of contact." Zone 1 Usually no reaction effects Zone 2 Usually no harmful physiological effects Zone 3 Usually no organic damage to be expected. Likelihood of muscular contractions and difficulty in breathing, reversible disturbances of formation and conduction of impulses in the heart, including atrial fibrillation and transient cardiac arrest without ventricular fibrillation increasing with current magnitude and time. Zone 4 In addition to the effects of Zone 3, probability of ventricular fibrillation increasing up to about 5% (curve c2), up to about 50% (curve c3) and above 50% beyond curve c3. Increasing with magnitude and time, pathophysiological effects such as cardiac arrest, breathing arrest and heavy burns may occur." Zone 1 lies in region less than 0.5mA body current, for all durations. Zone 2 extends to about 500mA at 20ms or less duration, to 20mA at 1000ms duration and to 10mA at 10000ms duration. Zone 3 extends from the Zone 2 boundary to 1000mA for 10ms duration, 200mA for 500ms duration and 50mA for 10000ms duration. magnetic metals rolly lindstrand FAE Howard S. Leopold leviton ed arakelian delco richard jenkins delco reps make 1% of sale magnetic metal B.Finke,phd july 22,1976 heat majes BH curve fater grain oreinted ==easy and hard direction to magnitize tape wound-wound by sheet,square bh curve non oriented=round peaks ferrite=goes to hell at -35C glen gross norlin music ,lincolnwood illin electomagnetic industries, lyn steve clear water florid victor batinovich jame henslee SCI